Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My. Last. Post. Heck. Yeah. It's on 3D Molecular Design.

So we thought we were done. The Lewis Structure was the life, being able to show how atoms were bonded. But guess what, my friends? You don't live in a 2D world made by 2D atoms. Otherwise, you'd look like this:
So how does this work? Well atoms form bonds, as I covered yesterday. They do this in a 3D manner. Let's begin with what we learned today:
Linear Bonds: are bonds that use all the electron pairs in the valence level, there are no "free" electrons. These have a 180 degree angle.
Next, we have the Trigonal Planar Bond, which is the same as above except with three bonds. The angle measure is 120 degrees:
Sorry for the large image size. Next, we have Tetrahedral Bonds, with 4 bonds and an angle measure of 109.5 degrees:
Finally, we have the Bent Bonds, which have electron pairs in place of bonds. This causes the angles to change, and the shape to "bend". The molecules with 2 bond pairs have 120 degrees, the ones with 3 have around 107 degrees.
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for.... BEN A. will be my replacement after my long tenure as writer. Thank you and have a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how great you explain about 3D world~