Thursday, March 3, 2011

Build the Big Ones Lab

Today in class we finally got to a a lab! It was called Build the Big Ones. The big ones refers to molecules with more than one central atom. The molecules we worked with were ethanol, acetic acid (vinegar), serine, and styrene. We had to build each molecule using spheres, wooden sticks , and metal springs. The wooden sticks represented a single bond and the metal springs represented double bonds. As explained in the directions, a black sphere is carbon, a yellow sphere is hydrogen, a red sphere is oxygen, and a light blue sphere is nitrogen. Here are the pictures for each molecule:


acetic acid
acetic acid



For each molecule we had to determine the central atom, the geometry of the atom, an example would be tetrahedral, the bond angle for that geometry and the hydridization. Here is what me and my partner Katie I. cam up with: build the bog ones 009

Lastly, we had to do our conclusion for the lab and if any of you had trouble, this is the conclusion Katie and I came up with:build the bog ones 011

I hope our data table and conlcusion help! Well that was all we did in period 6 today.
The next scribe is......................................Kaitlyn Y.

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