Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Continuation on Electron Pairs and Start of Hybridization

To start off class today, we first discussed the types and names of the electron pairs we learned yesterday (In Ethan's Post). Next, we moved into looking at 4,5, and 6 areas of concentration. These are the highest levels of concentration that can ever happen in an atom.

The first molecule that we looked at for the day was PF5. PF5 has 40 valence electrons and using this, we constructed the Lewis structure. Phosphorus can break the octet rule, which is the only reason why this Lewis Structure works. Then we used that to help us form the angles at which the balloons in the demonstration were forming(90,120,180). PF5 is an example of a trigonal bipyramid molecule. We then did the same steps for the Octahedron molecule of SF6. Sulfur can also break the octet rule.

During the demonstrations of the shapes of how these molecules would look like if they were much bigger, we also saw how the non-bonding pairs of atoms continuously took away an equatorial angle, instead of a linear angle. This happens because this is the most stable configuration.

The Last thing we learned about for the day was hybridization. Hybridization is the mixing of one s orbital and one p orbital in order to produce two sp orbitals. We looked at a video that explained the different formations as well as the actual action of what it would look like. . That is all we learned.

The next scribe is...Deena M.

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