Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fe! Fi! Fo! Fum! (And NaCl and SiO2!)

So today, the class began a new lab. In this lab, we had to observe three different mixtures; sand, salt, and iron. Some things we observed were if they were soluble in water, if they were magnetic or not, and other various physical properties. While observing, we made sure to all wear our goggles, because even though things like salt and sand may seem harmless, they still could accidentally get in our eyes and damage them! So, with all the correct safety gear in place, we observed closely, as our brains got to work.

Part A had us mix the sand, salt and iron in about 10mL of water. After doing so, we observed that the salt had dissolved into the water, but the sand and iron filings had not. So, we then used a filter in a funnel to separate the salt water from the sand and filings.
After doing so, we placed the wet filter paper on a hot plate with the wet sand and iron, which was supposed to dry out any excess water left on the sand. That was about the farthest anyone got before it was time to clean up and the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

When we were dismissed from class, our homework for tonight was to come up with a group procedure for Part B of the lab. The procedure is a way to separate salt, sand, and iron filings. When we come into class tomorrow, we will receive a small tube that has an uneven amount (heterogeneous!) of those three things. I won't talk too much about tomorrow though, because I don't want to steal the next scribe's material.

Which leads me to the next topic that I know we've all been waiting for; tomorrow's scribe!!! Yay! The scribe for tomorrow (technically the weekend) will be none other than Joshua D.!

That'll be all the news from today's Chemistry class. Thanks for reading. You stay classy, Period 6. I'm Aaron G.

1 comment:

Mpark said...

ahaha that's a great line