Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Finishing up the Lab

The class today was in a fairly good mood when Mr. Lieberman started us off by congratulating Kathryn on her wonderful scribe post and notified me about mine. We continued to talk about the blog and functions such as the photo issue that is now resolved, and immediately after, went to finish the "Observation Lab."

We were told to complete part B of the experiment by creating our own experiments to discover what reagents, when mixed together, caused certain reactions. Of course, we were told to record all observations in our handy "Scientific Lab Notebooks." My lab group, and most other lab groups, executed a total of five experiments and for some, more than that. It was fairly easy work, and the results were astonishing. For example, when the four reagents, sodium bicarbonate, calsium chloride, water, and phenol red, were combined in the plastic bag, we came up with an opaque, yellow, fizzy liquid (shown in the picture). Very interesting stuff. Aside from the two glass beakers shattering on the floor, all went well.
The class, at their own desks, took up netbooks and registered themselves to ChemThink, in order to complete the assignment Mr. Lieberman assigned.
Homework: ChemThink and worksheet "Particulate Nature of Matter," and the eight Post Lab Questions.
Pretty easy day, it was very relaxed and enjoyable. Who knew Mr. Lieberman was into Weezer?
The next Student Scribe is Brandon L.

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