Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All Powerful Atoms

Today in Mr. Lieberman class we started off the day with a quick congrats to Emilio on his post, and also talked about how to upload photos onto the blog. During the beginning of class a few students mentioned they forgot to do the ChemThink assignment Particulate Nature of Matter assigned the night before. So, Mr. Lieberman said if you could finish it before it was graded it would count as a full grade, so hurry to do it before he checks. Lastly, Mr. Lieberman collected all of the classes "Observation Labs". If you missed today’s class expect to turn it into to him tomorrow. Mr. Lieberman also notified us that our Web assign homework and safety tests were graded, and you can log on to see your grade. Next, we proceeded to take notes on our first unit. These notes included the fundamental unit of Chemistry the Atom. Also, in the notes we went over elements, molecules, and compounds for example Splenda or, Sweet and
Low. First of all an element is the simplest of pure substacnes. Which, brings us to what a pure substance is. A pure substance is a substance made out of all the same elements or compounds or mixtures. For example gold. Also, a pure substance cannot be seperated into smaller substances. We also learned about compunds. Compounds are a molecule that has two different kinds of atoms in it like oxygen and hydrogen. Next, we learned about mixtures which, are compnents that retain their own identity, and can be seperated physcially. Mr. Lieberman taught us an acronim to learn the 7 different diatomic elements (diatomic means two atoms,) HONClBrIF. This stands for Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Flourine.
We also learned about pure substances, classification, mixtures, Homogenous mixtures, and Heterogeneous mixtures. During the notes Mr. Lieberman told us a few fun facts for instance we learned that lead's Latin name is plumbum. So, plumbers got their name when they worked in Rome on the aqueducts, which used lead. The class notes are represented above this blog post.
After this we began our Paper Clip Activity. In this activity we had to use colored,
small, and jumbo paperclips to compose atoms. We were given a partner to complete all of the atom molecule combination problems, and then Mr. Lieberman had checked off our your creations. There are five sample questions to complete for homework tonight.
Finally, Mr. Lieberman assigned us a Pre-Lab for tomorrow’s lab "Separating Mixtures". Make sure you get that done for tonight’s homework. The next scribe shall be Aaron G


Anonymous said...

hello friend

Mr. Lieberman said...

Nice job brandon. I changed the slides on your post to just be that of which we talked. You can do that by just clicking on the presentation you want and getting the embed code for that. How about some more details of our discussion on matter. For example, there was a lot of vocab on todays slide. Try discussing that

Anonymous said...

ok ill edit my post to add to that.