Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Polar and Non-Polar molecule

Today in chemistry class we started out by giving back pop quiz.
Mr. Liberman said most of us didn't understand about "stable."
When atoms are stable that means they don't want to bond or already bonded.
And he said we can't break octet rule except inside. In other words, outside of elctrons can't have electrons over 8.

After that he explaind about polar molecule and non-polar molecule by showing us a great demonstration.
He had two buret, a vertical cylindrical piece of laboratory glassware, that one has filled up with water and the other one has filled up with acetone.
By rubbing his hair with a balloon, that balloon has negatively charged.
As he moved the balloon close to the buret which has water, the flow of the water started to bend toward the balloon.  It happens because water is positively charged and it is polar molecule.
Theoretically, acetone has to be not bend but it did.  Mr. Liberman guessed the acetone mixed with water.
Anyway acetone can not be bend because it is negatively charged and non-polar molecule.

 + Non-Polar molecule
-charge is evenly spread out in the molecule

 + Polar molecule
-the negatively charged center atom balances the molecule with positively charged outside of atoms

The main difference between non-polar and polar molecule is that non-polar molecule does not have non-bonding pairs and polar molecule has non-bonding pairs.

To determine polarity you should look for non bonding pair.

Mr. Liberman also explained different kind of forces-intermolecular, dispersion, and dipole forces.

Every molecules have intermolecular and dispersion forces.
Dispersion force is not that strong force but attractive.
Bigger molecule has lots of dispersion forces.
When he sprinkled acetone on his hand it disappeared very quickly but water did not.
This is a demonstration of dispersion forces.
Also we learned about hydrogen bonding which is strongest force.

I am really sorry that I couldn't explain very well..
So if you need more information about this stuff, I recommend you to visit here:

And just a reminder, we have a lot of webassign to do.
Also we have a test on Friday.
The next scribe will be Alex K.

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