Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Exciting Post From The Mind of Ethan Spalding About the Wonderful Topic of: Ionic Bonding

In my second post of a three part series, I am going to go over the beginning of Ionic Bonding. We did not go over a ton in class, as we went over the test. So I'll quickly go through our notes.

First of all, the key component of this unit is the idea of Valence Electrons. These our the outermost electrons on the highest energy level. Every element wants to have 8 of them. Thus, they try to gain, lose or share them with other atoms.

There are two easy way to determine how many valence electrons an element has. One is to count how far it is from the left in the main block (Li 1, Be 2, and so on). The other is by the written electron formation. The number of S and P electrons in the final electron level combined is the number of valence electrons.

Ionic Bonding is the bonding between a metal and a non-metal. It is the "loss or Gain" of an electron from another.

Again, the next poster will be me :(

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