Monday, November 1, 2010

Intro to Balancing Equations

We started off the class today by going over the notes

two very important rules to remember, and that Mr. Lieberman was very persistant in reminding us was:


2. There are no stead fast rules to balancing equations, so the best way to master this skill is to practice, practice, practice.

After showing us these liberating notes he demonstrated a couple experiments for us. Both of which come with an entertaining story.

1. The Water from hydrogen and oxygen eperiment

It all started when Mr. Lieberman was taking a strol in deserted mountains with no one around and no water. Why he was walking in the heat without water or people in general is a mystary to us all. Well, while he was on this hike he got thirsty, but without any water and no connection to civilization he was stuck in the middle of nowhere without a source of water. This caused a problem for Mr. Lieberman, but it just so happened that a hydrogen spring was there and he was carrying two rulers, a balloon and a match. Attaching the balloon, which he had filled up with hidrogen from the spring, to one of the rulers he was ready to make water. His idea was that if he caused a reaction to occur he could make H2O out of the hydrogen and the oxygen in the air. He ran the experiment and low and behold, there was water (or at least some form of it). He demonstrated this awesome experiment in our class:

Along with this riviting story, came the story of his pet elephant Stampy:

Now Mr. Lieberman owns a pet elephant and this elephant is known as Stampy. Stapmy has needs just like any other elephant, and this includes brushing his teeth. Mr. Lieberman being the thoughtful man that he is makes his own elephant toothpaste, just for his Stampy. He demonstrated the making of this special toothpaste for us in class:

These stories made the class interesting and educational, depicting scinerios that use the topics we are learning of in class. Don't forget to write up the prelab including any tables needed for the procadure. If you don't do that you will get no credit for the WHOLE prelab, as I have had to learn from experience.

And now your next scribe will b.......Brandon L. Congrats

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