Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hydrate Lab Day!

We started class with finishing the back sides of our quizzes for 10 minutes. Then we started the pre-lab for the Hydrate Lab we did in class. We first discussed three rules to follow when operating a Bunsen Burner. The first rule is to not leave it on unattended, do not touch it while hot, and keep all hair tied back and loose sleeves out of the way. The next question we discussed was to find:

a. The mass of the hydrate

b.the mass of the water lost during heating

c. the percent water in the hydrate

We were given the mass of:

Empty Test Tube: 18.42 grams

Test Tube and Hydrate (before heating): 20.75 grams

Test Tube and Anhydrous Salt (after heating): 20.41 grams

To calculate these you had to:

a. 20.75 g -18.42 g= 2.33 g

b. 20.75g- 20.41 g =.34g

c. .34g/2.33g=14.59% (round for significant figures)=15%

After this question you had to complete the table given on the Hydrate Lab sheet.After this, we got together with our lab groups and began the Hydrate Lab here are the steps:

  1. We took the mass of the pyrex test tube.
  2. We added around 2grams of blue hydrated (with water) copper (II) sulfate.
  3. We then massed the test tube with the copper (II) sulfate in it.
  4. We then set up the clamp and tilted the tube slightly down so the evaporating water can leave the test tube.
  5. Then then focused the heat from the Bunsen burner on the copper (II) sulfate and heated it evenly until it turned white. We tried to avoid burning it. (turned brown if burned)
  6. Then we wiped out the excess water droplets and massed the tube with the anhydrous salt.

So that was our Hydrate Lab! The next scribe is... Ellen Hirsch!!

This was Korri Hershenhouse! Don't forget to do your How Much Are You Worth Project for monday! Also don't forget to complete the webassign and do the post lab also for monday!

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