Monday, October 25, 2010

Empirical vs Molecular Formula

Today, we started class by getting back our quizes from last week.  I didn't take the quiz so I have no idea what happened in the beginning of the class.  I am sorry~  Anyway we went over the quiz about 15 minutes.
Then we started to learn what empirical formula is, and how this Empirical formula relates with Molecular formula.

Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n
* n is an integer

Once you get Empirical formula, then easy to get Molecular formula.

The Empirical formula is the simplest form of the Molecular formula.
For example :
Molecular formula - C6H12
Empirical formula - Divide by 6 - CH2
Here is a sample we did in the class:

Determine the Empirical and Molecular formulas for a compound that gives the following %.
 - 71.65% (Cl)
 - 24.27% (C)
 - 4.07% (H)
The molar mass is known to be 98.96g/moles
First, assume a 100g of the sample
 - 71.65g (Cl)
 - 24.27g (C)
 - 4.07g (H)

Second, Convert gram to moles
 - 71.65g  x  1moles / 35.5g  =  2.018 moles of Cl
 - 24.27g  x  1moles / 12g  =  2.02 moles of C
 - 4.07g  x  1moles / 1g  = 4.07 moles of H

Third, divide each moles by smallest number of moles
 - Cl  :  2.018 moles / 2.018 moles  =  1 mole
 - C  :  2.02 moles / 2.018 moles  =  1 mole
 - H  :  4.07 moles / 2.018 moles  =  2 moles

Finally we can get the Empirical formula like this :  CClH2

Now, we can find the molecular formula by finding the mass of the Empirical formula and setting up a ratio:

CClH2 → C2Cl2H4

*If you want more information about Empirical formula
I recommend you to visit

After we had finished the note, Mr. Liberman introduced an activity.  This activity is called Crash of Avogadro Airlines Flight 1023.
The goal of this activity is finding a murderer.
On the first and second side of the sheet, there are 3 tables which help to find the horrible murderer.
In this activity each chemical can be used once or no time.

Tonight's homework is to finish the hydrate lab, do a Magnesium Oxide pre-lab and Avogadro Airline activity which is due on Wednesday.
Just a reminder, the unit 3 test is on Thursday.

The next scribe is Ellen Hirsch

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