Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today in the class of chemistry, we discussed colligative properties, which are properties that focus on the amount of particles in a solution and not their actual identities. There are 4 colligative properties, but we only need to know 3 of them: vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, and freezing point depression. Osmotic pressure is the fourth. Vapor pressure change can be expressed by multiplying the vapor pressure of the solvent by the mole fraction of the solute. A change in boiling point can be calculated by subtracting the BP of the solvent from the BP of the solution. For freezing, do the opposite and subtract the FP of the solution from the FP of the solvent. We also had a demo where a bottle of unopened club soda was placed into a beaker of ice and salt in order to change its freezing point. After a few minutes, Mr. Lieberman took out the soda and opened it, causing it to instantly freeze and have the carbonation come bubbling out. That's about it for Tuesday March 22 in chem. Do the worksheets and webassigns for Friday and study for the test! The next scribe will be Zoe S

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