Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hess's Law

Through our excitement filled class today, we not only got a glimpse at carbon dioxide and nitrogen's triple point, but we also learned about the amazing science that is Hess's Law. We started off with a demo, where we were instructed to put on our trusty viser-gogs and crouch around the front table. Assuming the lab was going to be a harmless one, as the dry ice started to melt, we slowly got closer. With Mr. Lieberman encouraging us to get a closer look, we were all surprised when it exploded, showering everyone with water. This caused more then a few screams, one of which from the notorious Korri and even the stoic people of the class were startled by this outburst.

From there we moved on to Hess's Law, as depicted in slides 33-59 in the following slides:

After learning about this law and Mr.Lieberman's super power affiliated with it, we observed Nitrogen's triple point. This we used a vacuum to ensure an extremely low pressure and though it was not as thrilling as the last, the outcome was interesting to watch. The bubbles rose and dropped continuously as the pressure reached the triple point. From then to the end of the class we proceeded to practice more enthalpy problems which we all somewhat mastered by the end.

Make sure to do the homework and practice practice practice as it makes perfect.
And the moment you've all been diligently checking the blog for is here! The next scribe will be...Ellen H. congratulations

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