Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ChemThink gases

Yesterday in chemistry, we went over our new unit, which will end on Friday the 17th with the unit test. After that, we went on the computers to do a ChemThink on the properties of gases. We learned that gas atoms can be affected by temperature as well as size, which changes their speed. We also learned that the pressure of a gas equals its force divided by area. Pressure is caused by gas atoms' impact on the sides of their container. Pressure goes up as the temperature rises due to the fact that there are more collisions, and that they're more forceful. Also, as the number of atoms rises, the pressure rises because there are more collisions. As the volume of the container increases, the pressure goes down because there are less collisions. So overall, we looked at four properties of gases: temperature, pressure, number of atoms, and volume.

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