Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SUGAR, Spice and Everything Nice

In Chemistry today, we got started right away on part B of the Beverage Densities lab. Each of the groups went to their lab stations and decided what two beverages they wanted to use in the experiment. We could choose orange juice, apple juice, lemon-lime gatorade, cranberry juice or diet cola (which wasn't suppose to be diet! Jeeeeez Mr. Lieberman!) :) My group chose gatorade and diet cola.

Next we used the same procedure as we did in part A to find the mass of the liquid. We drew up 5mL of the gatorade and massed it on the scale. Then we subtracted that mass from the mass of the empty beaker to get the mass of the gatorade. We did the same thing for the diet cola and then calculated their densities using the formula d= m/v. We found that the gatorade had a higher density than the diet cola because there is more sugar in the gatorade.

Every group finished their labs early today, so Mr Lieberman kindly let us work on our post lab questions. Part of the post lab is making a graph like we learned how to do on Excel.

NOTE: For post lab question #2 you are suppose to find the actual value and in #3 you are suppose to find the theoretical value. Mr. Lieberman clarified this towards the end of class. Remember that the formula for calculating percent error is the absolute value of (estimate value - actual value) / actual value * 100.
Good luck with the post lab questions and enjoy sleeping in tomorrow morning!!
Mollie M.
Oh and the scribe for tomorrow is ....................................................................................................... Korri H.
Ps: sorry for there not being any pictures to enhance your visual interest, but every picture I downloaded said there was an error :'(

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