Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oleic Acid Lab and Bohr Notes

Today was another exciting day in chemistry! We started off by finishing off some of yesterday's notes.

We got even further into atoms this afternoon by learning about Niels Bohr. Bohr introduced the Bohr Model in 1913, that is still widely used today. He discovered that the neutrons and protons lie in the center of the atom, a dense region called the nucleus, while the electrons are free to orbit the nucleus. The electrons circle around the nucleus much like the planets revolve around the sun, yet they are not confined to a planar orbit.

After we finished the notes, Mr. Lieberman reviewed yesterday's Rutherford Experiment. He gave us the correct formulas for finding the area of the circles and squares on the sheet, which are

(% dots in circles) x 602 cm^2=area of six circles

(% dots in squares) x 602 cm^2= area of six squares

Then we began our Oleic Acid Lab. Prelabs were checked in, and then we got in our lab groups to begin this exciting lab. First, we filled a dropper with methonal and counted the drops it took to fill 1 mL. We used this information to calculate the volume of a single drop of methanol.

We than took a lunch tray, cleaned it with warm soap and water, and filled it with cool water about 0.3 cm deep. We applied a thin layer of lycopodium powder and added 2 drop of a .500% oleic acid solution. Once this is done, we were instructed to measure 8 different diameters of the cirlcle that was formed, and averaged the diameters.

We didn't get any farther in the lab, because of time constraints. Tonights homework is to work on the lab (which is due Friday), but Mr Leiberman warned us that the calculations are extremely difficult.

Don't forget to wear your togas tomorrow so the homecoming genie pays us a visit! And, tomorrow's scribe will be Katie I.

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