Friday, August 27, 2010

Safety Part 2

Today's class we continued our discussion on safety and started to prepare for our first lab. We watched another clip from the ACS safety video. This shorter clip had to do with good lab techniques. There are several points that I think are worth highlighting.

1. The video made a point of telling us that it is always smartest to pour liquids from large stock bottles into smaller containers that are easier to manage in the lab.

Ahh...the memories
2. The point of mixing acids is an important one but not done very often in our class. Acids should always be poured into water, not the other way around. "Do what you outta pour the acid into the watta" I know lame but I learned that in high school myself.

3. The video also commented on how we always pour out of stock bottles but never back in. If you have too much of a chemical dispose of it properly but do not put it back into the stock bottle.

4. Remember never mouth pipet!!

After that we briefly discussed how to do the pre-lab for Monday's Observation Lab. We will discuss the data tables on Monday also. Lastly we briefly talked about the unit objectives that were handed out. These are just the main topics for the current unit. They will be handed out at the beginning of each unit. Remember that if you missed a handout for an absence please go to our moodle site to download them. The last thing we did was took our safety assessment on WebAssign.

Have a great weekend and go Titans!!
Oh yeah our first student scribe is...Kathryn J

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