1. Finding the volume of oleic acid per drop of solution
Previously in this lab we were to find out the volume of a single drop of methanol. The lab gives you the information that the solution that was used contains .500% of oleic acid. You would then take the number you received from finding the drop of methanol and multiply that by .05.
2. Find the surface area of the oleic acid
The equation for finding the surface area of a circle is π*r². To find the radius you need to divide the average diameter you got earlier and divide that by 2. Then you plug the radius into the equation and you get the surface area.
3.Find the height of the oleic acid layer
The equation to find the height is: volume of oleic acid = surface area * height. You would plug in the volume of the oleic acid that u got in 1 and then the surface area you got from 2. Then divide the volume by the surface area to get the height of the oleic acid.
4. Calculate the width of the molecule
The lab gives you the information that the ratio of height to width for the oleic acid is 18:3. Using this you would take the ratio and turn it into an equation that looks like this:
18 = _h_
3 w
replace the h with the height you got from 3 and then cross multiply so you end up with: 18w=3(the height of the molecule). Then you solve the equation to get the width of the molecule.
5. Calculate the volume of one oleic acid molecule
The equation for the volume is:
V = (4/3) * π * r³
You then take the width of the molecule and divide that by 2 to get the radius. Plug the radius into the equation and solve the equation to find the volume.
These are just a few of the questions we went over in class and the harder ones of the post lab. When Mr.Lieberman finished answering questions we went on to review the notes.
The notes we went over in class and once we finished with the notes Mr.Lieberman generously gave us ample amount of time to start our overflow of homework. Tonight's homework is to finish the labs, study for the quiz tomorrow, and a chemthink which is due on Monday.
Everybody don't forget to wear blue and gold tomorrow and show your titan spirit for the homecoming genie!
The next scribe will b.....Colleen Coleman